Why a full body massage is ideal for pain management

You love when you get the chance to hit the massage therapist’s office for a little relaxation after a long week, but you may not have realized that this is also the perfect place to go when you have ongoing pain. Full body massage can work to benefit pain sufferers because it can reduce chronic pain, reduce muscular pain, and even reduce the effects of surgery.

Additionally, full-body massages can benefit the body to promote a healthier lifestyle through various means such as improving your posture and improving your immune system. Check out the benefits of full body massage for pain management below.


Stress Relief

You probably knew that full-body massages are great for relieving stress and it might be your favorite reason to get one regularly. The benefit here is that relieving stress in the body will also reduce stress hormones like cortisol which will balance your body back to a refreshed state.

Reduces chronic pain and headaches

In addition to stress relief, full-body massages are going to be the perfect way to reduce chronic pains that you suffer from and will help those that suffer from tension headaches. If you have an injury, full-body massages are a great way to reduce your pain levels which is especially important when you live with pain regularly.

For tension headache sufferers, the muscle tension that is triggering your headache can be relieved in your massage which will stop sending pain to your head and brain. This often helps patients to sleep better and experience fewer headaches and migraines.

Full body massage has been studied to help conditions such as hand arthritis, fibromyalgia, back pain, and knee osteoarthritis. In studies on these types of painful conditions, getting regular massage therapy improved pain, reduced anxiety, increased mobility, and often led to more activity in studies compared to those who only continued medications and physical therapy.

Relieves surgery pain

If you’ve had surgery, especially heart surgery, massage is a great way to reduce the surgery effects on your body. The full body massage will work to reduce your swelling pain by reducing extra toxins and lymph, which in turn provides oxygen and nutrients into the blood circulation of the body.  

Improves immune system

An unexpected benefit of full body massage is the improved immune system function which means you are working towards better health going forward. A full body massage will increase the production of immune cells which will work to fight cancer cells. Getting massaged allows your nervous system to relax and send more energy through restoration.

Aids posture and flexibility

Getting a full-body massage has also been known to improve posture and flexibility, which are two areas that will help in your pain management going forward. Since the tissues are softening, your body won’t respond with bad posture to the tight connective tissues anymore. You’ll also notice that loosening your stiff muscles will improve your range of motion and posture because the massage will break up adhesions that have formed around your joints.

Full body massages can help with pain management in even more areas not mentioned, such as reducing cramping and spasms, lowering depression, improving the skin, and even reducing fatigue. There are a variety of massage types from Swedish massage to medical massages.

Getting full-body massages regularly will allow you to ease painful symptoms from conditions you are suffering from and improve your health in ways that will help you to start seeing improvements in your health condition a little at a time.

These are a few ways that full body massage is ideal for pain management.

Adam Driggers