How to Prepare for Your Chemical Peel

When you want to get rid of fine lines, wrinkles, or acne, you might want to consider a chemical peel. This is a facial treatment that can help rejuvenate your complexion and provide a fresh look and feel to your skin. This skin service will help exfoliate your skin and provide the glow you want.

There are many things you should do to prepare for your chemical peel. Let's look at some of the things you should do before you come in for your chemical peel.

6 Things to Do to Prepare for a Chemical Peel

1. Take a Break from Specific Products

No matter the type of chemical peel you get, it's time to let a few products go until after your peel is over. One week before your scheduled chemical peel, you want to stop using the following:

  • Electrolysis

  • Waxing

  • Hair Removal Products

Two days before your peel, you want to stop using facial masks, self-tanners, skin-lightening agents, abrasive scrubs, exfoliants, and bleaching products. This includes over-the-counter and prescription skin care products.

You will, however, want to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen leading up to your chemical peel for about four weeks.

2. Stop Smoking

If you're a smoker, it's time to take a break, whether it's easy or not. You want to stop smoking for about two weeks before your chemical peel. If you don't, the chemicals found in the smoke will prevent collagen bonds, which could help your skin look younger and give you the glow you want.

3. Avoid Exposure to the Sun

UV rays deter the regeneration of skin cells. This could put you at risk of specific side effects. You want to avoid sun exposure for two months before the procedure to help ensure you can heal properly after.

4. Stay Well Hydrated

It's also important to hydrate before you have a chemical peel. This should be done the week leading up to the procedure. If you're well-hydrated, you will recover faster and better from the chemical peel.

5. Become Accutane Free

If you've been taking Accutane, you might have to wait to have a chemical peel until you complete the cycle. If you don't, it could increase your chances of scarring. Often, you have to be Accutane free for six months before you can have a chemical peel.

6. Know What to Expect

It's also important to know what to expect when you book a chemical peel. A light to medium chemical peel can be done in an office-based setting without sedation or anesthesia. It will take about 30 to 60 minutes to complete.

If you get a deep chemical peel, you can expect it to take 30 to 120 minutes to complete. It may include medications to help keep you comfortable during the treatment. You may still have this procedure done in an office-based setting.

With a deep chemical peel, you will spend time in a recovery area after the procedure is done.

If you're ready to get a chemical peel, make sure you prepare it properly. With the right preparation, you can get all the benefits you want from a chemical peel.

FacialsAdam Driggers