Halting Holiday Stress With Massage Theory

According to the songs of the season, it’s the most wonderful time of the year and the hap-happiest season of all. But with all of the pressure placed on the holidays, some might consider that sentiment, well... debatable.

In fact, according to the American Psychological Association, nearly a quarter of Americans reported feelings of “extreme stress” in relation to the holiday season. That is, not so many people are necessarily as merry and bright as you might expect, particularly when you factor in strained finances, family tensions, gift-giving difficulties, and more.

And more concerning, still, are the physical symptoms that are likely to arise with the undesirable bah-humbug feelings, such as:

  • Headaches

  • Sleep deprivation

  • Upset stomachs

  • And more

But don’t worry, there are proven ways to combat your inner Grinch and bring a better sense of balance to the season; namely, massages and facials.

According to research conducted by the American Massage Therapy Association, massages can effectively decrease heart rate, lower your blood pressure, as well as lower cortisol levels — effectively reducing stress levels significantly.

Massages are also proven to thoroughly treat more persistent or deep-running forms of distress, such as depression or chronic anxiety, which can be further aggravated by the stress of the season.

Similarly, studies have proven that facials and facial massages activate your body’s sympathetic nervous system, which can eliminate physiological distress and uplift your mood with just one session.

Plus, if you have sensitive skin that breaks out in acne, rashes, or other blemishes as a result of stress, proper facials will help you to better cut through these physical symptoms and restore your body to its natural balance.

While it might not be your first thought to halt your holiday progress in favor of time out, it’s important to remember that, when you’re happy, you’re making yourself more capable of creating a positive impact on those you love most.

Thus, as you run around with your focus on bringing joy to those you love most, remember to shift your attention back to yourself. And if you find yourself in need of a holiday recharge, then contact Massage Theory! We offer a variety of soothing massages and facials that are guaranteed to reincorporate relaxation to your hectic holiday season. Simply call (904) 849-7777 today to schedule your appointment.

Adam Driggers