Massage Theory

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How to Incorporate Massage Therapy into Your Self-Care Routine

Massage therapy is a widely-practiced form of self-care that offers numerous advantages to both body and mind. Here are some tips for incorporating it into your self-care regimen:

Regular massage can assist with recovery and reinvigoration, both physically and emotionally. Here are some of the ways you can incorporate massage therapy into your regular self-care routine.

1. Schedule a Massage

Massages are an excellent way to promote relaxation and self-care. Not only that, but they may also aid in healing injuries as well as reduce stress levels.

Your massage therapist can determine how often you should receive massage treatments based on your individual requirements. For instance, if you engage in frequent physical activity, then getting a massage may be more beneficial to aid muscle recovery and repair.

Sometimes, the easiest way to work something into your routine is simply scheduling it. You can even schedule a few months of massages at a time if it’s easier.

2. Take a Self-Massage

Self-massage is an excellent way to relieve stress and unwind without breaking the bank. Additionally, it has proven successful at treating chronic pain and tension.

Improve blood circulation, enhance sleep quality, decontract or relieve pain, eliminate fluid retention in the body, and give an endorphin rush!

If you're prone to headaches, a neck and shoulder massage can help relieve tension. Try applying gentle pressure in the middle trapezius region - where your neck meets your shoulders - for relief.

Aside from relieving headache pain, this massage can also ease stress and promote relaxation. For best results, practice this routine after work or before hitting the hay.

By practicing this routine, you'll become more aware of the areas where tension and pain arise. It will help identify the underlying cause and prevent that tension from returning.

3. Make a Massage Your Self-Care Activity

There are many different things you can do to provide your body and mind with care. A massage is one of the best ways to relax, but you don’t need a massage daily, or even weekly, in some cases.

If you do self-care activities regularly, simply swap an activity every other week or once a month for a massage. This will allow you to easily fit massage therapy into your schedule and get the relaxation you need.

4. Get a Membership

Probably the easiest way to incorporate massage therapy into your self-care routine is with a monthly massage membership. This will allow you to get a monthly massage without having to worry.

Since you will have a membership, it will be included in your monthly cost, which means you will already have it paid for. This makes it much easier compared to booking and paying for a massage out of the blue.

Plus, with a monthly membership, it’s easy to budget for your massage therapy every month.

Figuring out how to work massage therapy into your self-care routine isn’t always easy. However, it’s possible and you can use these tips to help you get your massage scheduled every month.