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Facts About LED Treatments and Facial Services

LED treatments are an excellent addition to facial services, whether you want to improve the appearance of aging skin or reduce breakouts. The light rays stimulate internal processes like circulation, collagen production, and inflammation.

Red LED light stimulates collagen proteins in the epidermis, smoothing out its texture and helping reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Blue LED light targets oil glands deep within the skin for fewer breakouts.

Blue Light

Blue light has shorter wavelengths and higher energy than other colors of the visible spectrum, which makes it particularly dangerous for your eyes. Blue light increases your risk for cataracts, macular degeneration, and retinal toxicity.

Your circadian rhythm - your body's natural wake and sleep cycle - can also be affected. Excess blue light late at night (from smartphones, tablets, and computers) may disrupt this system, leading to difficulty sleeping and daytime fatigue.

To protect your eyes from blue light, the best approach is to limit how long you spend looking at a screen or computer. This can be accomplished either by using a blue light filter on your device or not using it before bed.

Red Light

LED treatments with facial services utilize red light to stimulate collagen and elastin, helping to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. Furthermore, it improves scarring while decreasing skin inflammation.

Red light therapy can be beneficial for a number of skin conditions, but it should be combined with an antibacterial topical treatment like salicylic acid to maximize its efficacy and minimize any potential side effects.

Green Light

Green light is used in LED treatments with facial services to reduce hyperpigmentation and smooth out skin texture. It may also help treat dilated capillaries, loose skin around the eyes, as well as conditions like rosacea or erythema.

Green light has an effective wavelength; however, it doesn't penetrate deep into the skin like blue and red do. This is because its wavelength is too short to absorb into cells in the dermal skin layer.

Furthermore, blood hemoglobin inhibits the absorption of green light, making it ineffective for people with darker eyes. On the contrary, those with white or light-colored eyes may benefit from its use.

Yellow Light

Yellow LED (amber) light is commonly used in facial services to treat redness and uneven coloration of the skin. At 590 nm wavelength, this wavelength can effectively reduce sun damage, age spots, and blemishes such as rosacea.

Additionally, it has relaxing anti-inflammatory effects and can aid in stimulating lymphatic flow to eliminate toxins and waste from your skin.

Furthermore, fractional laser skin resurfacing can decrease erythema after fractional laser skin resurfacing, promote wound healing and hydration of the skin, as well as increase collagen induction.

Like blue and red light, yellow light stimulates your cells' light receptors to convert it into energy so your cells can work optimally. It may also activate your lymphatic system to eliminate toxins in a specific area and boost blood circulation - keeping skin hydrated and speeding up wound healing - by activating light receptors on each cell.